
On Spreading Goodness….

So, this past week I celebrated National Send a Card to a Friend Day by sending out some cards to friends, some of which I’ve known forever, some, I may have never actually met in person.  My intention was just to maybe brighten someone’s day with an unexpected note.  I have to tell you, I really had no idea just how much it would brighten my own.  

Many of the cards I sent, were sent ON the actual day, so most probably haven’t arrived in the mailboxes of those I sent them to.  It still started my day off with such a positive vibe to drop those in the mailbox.  I hope they bring a smile to those who receive them this upcoming week.

On the flip side of sending actual cards in the mail, I spent a bit of time that evening scrolling through the folks I follow on social media.  I have a “love/hate” relationship with social media.  As someone who writes a blog, it is, in this day and age, a necessary tool for reaching out to people who you want to read said blog, but it can also be the worst thing ever created.  I have spent some time since the beginning of this year “unfollowing” people who spread hate, in any form.  Don’t get me wrong, many of these people are actual real life friends, who I love and appreciate.  I absolutely love that they are passionate about things and agree that everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I would never “unfriend” someone because of their opinion, just because it doesn’t match mine.  The problem I have comes when people post things that are intentionally meant to harm someone….that I can’t get behind, so rather than have my news feed filled with that “crap” I simply unfollow.

Now enough of that mess, let’s get back to the “love” portion of social media.  After I sent out the cards that morning, I spent some time that evening reaching out to a few people on social media that I follow to thank them for the love and positivity that they are sending out into the world.  It’s always easy to criticize, but how often do we send notes or messages of gratitude to these people who share so much of their lives with the world?   I won’t give you any details, but the messages I got back were so inspiring and that I knew I made someone’s day with my words was the best feeling.    I guess it’s a message we hear all the time, that what we send out comes back to us, but for many of us, it’s just a saying, not really a practice.  In the few months that I’ve been putting it into “practice”, I have to say I feel lighter.  My soul feels lighter, my thoughts are lighter, the world doesn’t seem like such a bad place. (DISCLAIMER:  I don’t want you to think I’m walking around in a love and light hippie (can I still say hippie without offending hippies?) haze, put me behind the wheel of the car and see how long it takes for me to revert to someone that might make a sailor blush….just ask my mom and dad).  The point is, it’s so much easier to be positive, negative takes away so much energy.  It’s so much easier to do a tiny little thing that makes a world of difference in someone’s life.  It’s so much easier to Love than hate.  I hope we all get there soon.