
Whether you crave sweet, savory, decadent or healthy, read on for some great dessert recipes to satisfy your taste buds.

  • Desserts,  Sweet Things

    The Only Chocolate Chip Cookie You’ll Ever Need

    Well, we’ve been sheltering in place now for about 3 days, and the truth is, I haven’t been this busy in a long time!!!  You would think that not going to work everyday, I would find myself with too much time on my hands, which would result in a lot of napping, tv watching, eating, napping, tv watching, napping, and so on and so forth.  Well that’s not really happening around here.  First and foremost, I vowed that everyday I’m home I would run a mile.  I know to some of you, a mile isn’t much, but when it’s been a very (and I mean very) long time since I…

  • Desserts,  Sweet Things,  Uncategorized

    Banana Walnut Snackin’ Cake

    Do you ever have those moments where you catch the scent of something and it reminds you of something you may have long ago forgot?  Let me continue by saying that I often buy bananas at the store, and I often end up putting said bananas in the freezer or throwing them away because, let’s face it, how many loaves of banana bread does one guy need?  I was recently contemplating what to do with a bunch of well past their prime bananas when a particular whiff got my attention.  It was the familiar, but long forgotten scent of BETTY CROCKER SNACKIN’ CAKE!!!!  Now, I don’t know if you remember,…

  • Breakfast & Brunch,  Desserts,  Sweet Things

    Orange Yogurt Cake

    Spring has arrived and I think we need a celebration!  We all know that no celebration is even worth celebrating if there isn’t cake, but let’s face it….winter has not been kind to our waistlines.  Well, I should speak for myself, it has not been kind to MY waistline.  My goal for all of last year (before I turned 50) was to try to get into the best shape of my life, which I felt would make turning 50 not so bad.  Well, it turns out turning 50 wasn’t so bad, but I was fat when it happened.  The 3 months since haven’t been all that momentous either, so if…

  • Breakfast & Brunch,  Desserts,  Sweet Things

    those almond things…

    A few years ago during a trip for work, I took some time to stop in Waco, Texas at the Silos Baking Company.  If you’ve been under a rock and don’t know anything about that, it’s on the grounds of the silos made famous on the show “Fixer Upper” and home to all things Magnolia.    The bakery sits on the corner and a long line snakes back and forth inside, allowing plenty of time to make you’re very difficult decision.  Because I am, well, me, I’m always interested in things I’ve never heard of or tried before, especially when it comes to bakery items.   One of the bits…