Send a Card to a Friend Day
When I was a kid, getting something in the mail that was addressed specifically to me, was major. I mean sure, I could pretend that those Colombia House record offers were for me. I would pour over those little stamps, carefully selecting which 6 I was going to order for only 99 cents. It was very important work. Any other junk mail would require the same. From time to time, however, an envelope would arrive addressed to “Mr. Gregory Utsinger”….fancy, huh? Usually cards, sometimes from my grandma with a half dollar taped to a small square of cardboard tucked inside, to celebrate Valentine’s Day, Christmas, etc. It was, obviously, a different time. Something as simple as a card arriving in the mail could really make your day!
When I learned that February 7 was National Send a Card to a Friend Day, I was inspired. As you know, my intention this year is to do everything I can to help spread kindness and goodness whenever I can, and what a simple way to start. The best part is that it’s a card for no other reason than to just let someone know that you’re thinking of them.
So, here’s a challenge for you. Join me! Grab a box of blank cards and just jot down a note to someone you haven’t connected with a while, or even someone you see everyday. Make their day….and yours.
I’ve got some big ideas for this year, so I hope you’ll all help me spread goodness whenever YOU can. If you have a story to share about how you or someone else is spreading goodness, I’d love to hear about it. Share in the comments, or send me an email to
If you’re on Instagram, post a picture of your cards and tag me or share on the hashtag #spreadgoodnesslikebutter!