• Life

    Loving More, Fearing Less

      It’s Monday, April 1.  The first day of a new month and it falls on a Monday?  I think that means conditions are right for starting something new, changing something that needs changed or just deciding today something will be different than yesterday.   I’m not typically one of those peoples who say I’m going to “start” something on Monday, or the first of the month, because honestly, I think on any day, any hour, any minute you can decided to be different than you were the minute before. As you know, one of my intentions for this year is to spread goodness wherever and whenever I can, and…

  • Life

    On Spreading Goodness….

    So, this past week I celebrated National Send a Card to a Friend Day by sending out some cards to friends, some of which I’ve known forever, some, I may have never actually met in person.  My intention was just to maybe brighten someone’s day with an unexpected note.  I have to tell you, I really had no idea just how much it would brighten my own.   Many of the cards I sent, were sent ON the actual day, so most probably haven’t arrived in the mailboxes of those I sent them to.  It still started my day off with such a positive vibe to drop those in the…