Life,  Uncategorized

Where Have I Been?


Remember like 5 months ago when I posted that scrumptious recipe for Pumpkin Cookies and you ran to your kitchen and made them immediately and then quickly returned to your computer screens to sit on the edge of your seat waiting for my next brilliant post?   You waited.  You waited some more.  Fall turned to Winter and Winter turned to Spring and you still waited.  WELL YOUR WAIT IS OVER!!!!

So, since you’ve spent all your spare time wondering where I’ve been, I thought I’d start out by telling you all about what exactly has been the reason for my delay.

First, you probably notice that the site looks a little different.  I’ve been in the process of switching to a different blogging platform and I am so NOT technologically equipped to undertake such a thing.  However, slowly but surely the old dog is learning a new trick or two.

Secondly, when it comes to creating content for this site, it involves a lot of things working together in perfect harmony.  Harmony when it comes to those things has left the building!  If the recipe turned out beautifully, it wasn’t exactly tasty, or if it was tasty, I couldn’t find any angle to shoot it from to make it look even remotely appealing to the eye.  I’ve also been on the yearly crusade to shed some pounds and unless I can eat the things I make, I’m not about to share them with you all.  So, that’s kind of the basic explanation, but now onto a more deeper, soul searching reason why it’s been a hot minute…..grab a drink and take a seat….

I think, like most of you, the current state of our society  has me feeling a little tired……whoa, whoa, come on back….I’m not about to start spouting political rhetoric…take it easy!  There are so many important issues circling about and sometimes I find a perfectly curated, filtered to the nth degree image a little ridiculous, often sending me into overload!   Don’t get me wrong, I love to look at beautiful things and I appreciate the effort that goes into these things, but in the end it’s not real and that’s what we, as people who partake in social media are connecting to….something that isn’t real. 

We believe everything we see on Facebook as long as we agree with it’s message, whether we have taken the time to read it or understand it or find out if it’s even  true, we click that SHARE button and it’s off to the races!!    I find myself, disgusted with friends who blindly spread crap, and in the end I just needed to separate myself from all of it.

So, in these first months of 2018, I’ve been focusing on real connections.  Real conversations with people, in person, in the same room.  I’ve been putting the phone down, only randomly checking in on social media and honestly, I think my mind is clearer for it.  I know this might all sound like my ringing endorsement for logging off your computer and never reading this blog again, but that’s not my message.

There are some things that I know for sure.  First, FOOD BRINGS PEOPLE TOGETHER, which has long been a reason behind this blog.  Another is that HONESTY CREATES CONNECTIONS.  When we all speak our truths, we find our people.   We can acknowledge that it’s okay to not be perfect because no one is.  We can post a picture of the most delicious thing you’ve ever eaten even if the frame isn’t perfect, because it’s more about nourishing our souls and our relationships than making sure there isn’t a crumb on the table and the natural light is coming from the right direction.  I want this blog to continue to grow to something that helps facilitate those connections between people, so I’ll continue to post updates and new posts on social media and do my small part to contribute something good to the world. 

Finally, another word about the new blog.  Once I get this all figured out, it will be much easier to update and categorize.  You will now be able to print recipes directly from the blog post (although I have a lot of recipes to move over from the old platform….be patient and keep reading).  If you are coming back to find a recipe and can’t locate it, just shot me an email and I’ll forward it on to you.  

Thanks for listening!