• Life,  Uncategorized

    Community- The Power of Food

    I’ve been rolling this around in my head for months….  Community.  I began writing a post that encompassed every aspect of community.  From the neighborhood we live in, to the city we call home, to the groups we belong to, to the friends we have, to the social media pages we scroll through endlessly, but I realized that was all too broad and that I was having a difficult time organizing that in a way that made sense.   So I decided to start with what I know best.  Food.   You see, I’ve been feeling a bit tired lately.  Tired of politics, tired of division, tired of offense for the sake…

  • Life,  Uncategorized

    One Year

      “I don’t know how I’m going to do this…”.  I spoke those words into the phone as I sobbed delivering the news that my mom had passed away.  That was one year ago today.   At the time, I truly didn’t know how I was going to get through those first hours, those first days, those first weeks and months, and honestly, thinking about it now, I really meant I didn’t know how I was going to even return to any normalcy ever…..but here I am.  One year later.   I have written this post so many times over the past year.  3 months….6 months…7 months, but each time I hesitated…

  • Life

    Making a Fuss

    It’s been a very long time since I posted on this site.   From time to time something would cross my mind and I would think to myself that I should write a blog post, but time got away from me and before you know it, months, maybe even years have passed.  Since we last spoke, I have started a business.  A baking business.  I’ll mention it and invite you to check it out here www.walnuttreebakingco.com, but for today, I have more important things to say. If you follow me on social media, or know me personally, then you probably know that just one month ago, I lost my mom.  On…

  • Life

    Just Look at Your List

    I am a list maker.  It helps to keep me organized and helps me to plan.  I have a master list of home projects that doesn’t get checked off to often because most of those projects require a significant investment in money or time, or skills that I don’t possess to accomplish them, yet the list remains.  I make grocery lists, lists for running errands, lists for cards to send, lists for things I want to cook or bake.  Soon I fear I could need a list to keep track of the lists.  One of the other things I do, which is not so much a list, is keep a…

  • Life

    Anxiety, the Unknown and How I Deal

    I hope that you have all been enjoying my recent string of posts.  Being at home, sheltered in place, has really been a blessing in disguise for me.  I have been able to work on so many things that I’ve shoved in the corner for another time.  I’ve watched in amazement at the things that are being created via technology and social media (it really can be used for good…).  I’ve spent some time re-evaluating the things that are truly important to me.  I hope you are able to do the same, however, I know that there are many people who are feeling anxious and unsure.  It’s understandable.  This week…

  • Dinner,  Main Dishes,  Starters & Sides,  Uncategorized

    Sweet & Spicy Macaroni and Cheese

    It’s about Day 7 of our Shelter In Place order here in Illinois.  I honestly can say that it hasn’t been all that bad.  I’ve gotten to do (as you probably noticed) a lot more frequent blog posts, got to do lots and lots of cooking and baking, I’ve been running everyday.  It’s not all that bad…..(ask me again next week!).  So, I took a little break from all the baking and sweets to make another comfort food dish with a twist.  Sweet & Spicy Macaroni and Cheese.  The original inspiration for this recipe came from a recipe from Deschutes Brewery.  They use heavy cream and sweet chili sauce and…