• Life,  Lifestyle,  Uncategorized

    The Comforts of Home

    Unless you’re living in some sort of alternate universe, I know you’re aware that the COVID 19 Coronavirus has pretty much brought life as we knew it to a screeching halt.  Many of the things we did everyday are now “on hold”, many of our behaviors and patterns have been shifted.  Many of us are finding ourselves with a whole lot of time on our hands.    This past Friday, the Governor of Illinois, issued a “shelter in place ” order beginning on Saturday at 5pm.  Basically, all non-essential businesses are closed and people are asked to remain at home as much as possible.  For me that means, I’m not…

  • Life


    It’s January 8th.  How are those resolutions going?  I didn’t make any.  Well I didn’t make any like I normally make.  Sure, I would love to lose a few pounds, but it’s not gnawing at me like it has in the past.  I was thinking the other day how I used to be sort of envious of people who didn’t need to (or didn’t want to) resolve to lose weight in the new year.  You know, they just ate food in January the same way they did in December.  It was a novel idea.  I think for most of my adult life my resolutions always included eating better and losing…

  • Desserts,  Sweet Things,  Uncategorized

    Banana Walnut Snackin’ Cake

    Do you ever have those moments where you catch the scent of something and it reminds you of something you may have long ago forgot?  Let me continue by saying that I often buy bananas at the store, and I often end up putting said bananas in the freezer or throwing them away because, let’s face it, how many loaves of banana bread does one guy need?  I was recently contemplating what to do with a bunch of well past their prime bananas when a particular whiff got my attention.  It was the familiar, but long forgotten scent of BETTY CROCKER SNACKIN’ CAKE!!!!  Now, I don’t know if you remember,…

  • Breads,  Breakfast,  Breakfast & Brunch,  Sweet Things

    Apple Pull Apart Bread

    Fall has arrived in a flurry of crazy weather around here, and this weekend was a rainy, dreary, wonderful excuse for me to work on some recipes for the blog.  Much like we tend to go straight from Halloween to Christmas, quickly passing over Thanksgiving, I think when Fall arrives we head straight past the apple bin to the pumpkin spice everything!  I decided to honor the apple with a few of my favorite apple recipes.  The first, Apple Pull Apart Bread.  It’s best served a little warm, with an extra dish of glaze for dipping, with a table full of your best friends.    Here’s  hoping you take some…

  • Life,  Uncategorized

    A Tree

    This week I picked up a copy of Katie Brown’s new book, “Dare to See- Discovering God in the Everyday“.  If you don’t know who Katie Brown is, she is a lifestyle expert that I first discovered many years ago when she first came on the scene with a show called “Next Door with Katie Brown”.  Each episode contained a cooking segment, a craft/diy segment and a gardening segment.  It’s the kind of show that I love to watch and I was a fan from the beginning.  She has gone on to do a multitude of other projects.  You can find out what she’s all about over on katiebrown.com.  …

  • Life

    Who’s Coming to Dinner?

      I’ve been feeling a little stretched thin lately in the creative department.  That could be  reason for a lack of consistent posts, but that’s just the kind of thing that happens…a creative slump.  Last week I took a  “test” from Adobe to help determine my creativity type.  It was kind of like one of those personality tests that so many of us have taken.  It turns out I’m a “Visionary”.  As I read the assessment, I was kind of floored by the spot on assessment from just a few quick questions.    I’ve got a million ideas floating around in this brain and lately, I’ve been  on a search…