
Anxiety, the Unknown and How I Deal

I hope that you have all been enjoying my recent string of posts.  Being at home, sheltered in place, has really been a blessing in disguise for me.  I have been able to work on so many things that I’ve shoved in the corner for another time.  I’ve watched in amazement at the things that are being created via technology and social media (it really can be used for good…).  I’ve spent some time re-evaluating the things that are truly important to me.  I hope you are able to do the same, however, I know that there are many people who are feeling anxious and unsure.  It’s understandable.  This week I’ve been thinking about what it is that keeps me so at peace and content in this uncertain time, and I’ve come up with a few thoughts.  If you’re interested, I’d like to share.

I’ve talked to a lot of people this week who are trying to “figure it out”.  They’re trying to assume and guess how their situation might work out, how their job might look, if they have one when this is over.  I’ve talked to people who are working, as essential workers, who are just as uncertain, who can’t understand people’s panic.  So, I thought about myself.  I have plenty of things that COULD happen to me, but it doesn’t serve me to guess about those things.  I’ve learned that over the years, largely through the industries I’ve worked in.  Working in kitchens and the design industry are great training grounds for being able to think on your feet, at a moments notice.  Technically, both industries are very detail driven, and planned, but things don’t always work out how they were planned.  In kitchens, ingredients don’t show up, things get overcooked and burned, things get dropped, staff doesn’t show up, it’s a constant stream of adapting.  The same goes with the design business.  Fabrics get discontinued, weeks after the order was placed, sofas are too big, doorways are to small, the measurements on a floorplan don’t match the real life dimensions.  It too is a constant stream of adapting.  So it taught me well to take things as they come and deal with it and make decisions then, don’t fret about it until it’s staring you in the face!

The second thing that has long been a calming force for me is music.  Throughout the days here at home these past couple weeks, music is filling every room.  It’s like that for me anytime, quarantined or not.  I have long found comfort in the words of a song.  Some can remind you of happy times, bring back cherished memories, make you feel unspeakable joy or really touch your soul, just when you need it.  I hope you all understand the healing power of music.  Turn it on, turn it up and get lost in a song.

Finally, and what I would consider the biggest part of my peace…my faith.  My faith in a God that is so much bigger than any circumstance or situation.  He already knows the outcome, so why should I worry.    I heard someone speaking last week about Faith and Fear and (I don’t know if it’s really true) but research shows that our brains are not capable of feeling or processing both faith and fear at the same time.  So if you find yourself getting fearful, just try a little faith.  Just a little can replace all that fear.   If you find yourself feeling alone, talk to God.  He’s always listening.

So, I hope that helps.  I hope you are all dealing with this in a way that brings you comfort.  I hope you are taking some time to look at what is really important for your life.  I hope you are relaxing and discovering new things.  I hope you are spending some time with God, talking AND listening.  I hope when we are back to normal, we’ll have dinners and go to concerts and appreciate everything we took for granted before.  I hope our relationships are stronger, that we’ve learned something new, that we’ve heard some new songs and some old, that we’ve tried new recipes.  That in every good way possible we are forever changed.

I appreciate and love you all for taking the time to visit my blog.

I hope you are all well.

Much Love, 





  • Toni Ginger

    Love your blogs, Greg! They always are an inspiration and uplift my spirits. Thanks so much for what you’re sharing with all of us. Enjoy your recipes too. Keep on writing and sharing!

    • Greg Utsinger

      Thank you so much! It’s always great to hear that people are reading! Hope you are all well!