• Main Dishes,  Soups

    Broccoli Cheese Soup

      If you follow me on Instagram, then last weekend you saw me make a quick pot of Broccoli Cheese Soup.  The soup has come in handy this week considering we have been having  record setting history making low wind chills!  I mean, I love snow and all, but these temps, I am not a fan of.  It’s been so cold, I even attempted to make the dog some booties out of an old sweater, duct tape and yarn.  Much like I want no part of these temperatures, he wanted no part of the booties. Anyway, back to the soup.  It’s a pretty versatile soup.  I added cheddar cheese, although…

  • Life

    Send a Card to a Friend Day

      When I was a kid, getting something in the mail that was addressed specifically to me, was major. I mean sure, I could pretend that those Colombia House record offers were for me. I would pour over those little stamps, carefully selecting which 6 I was going to order for only 99 cents. It was very important work. Any other junk mail would require the same. From time to time, however, an envelope would arrive addressed to “Mr. Gregory Utsinger”….fancy, huh? Usually cards, sometimes from my grandma with a half dollar taped to a small square of cardboard tucked inside, to celebrate Valentine’s Day, Christmas, etc. It was, obviously,…

  • Breakfast & Brunch

    Oatmeal Blueberry Pancakes

    The past few weeks, we’ve been stuck in a real life, old timey winter. Snow, ice, frigid, frigid temperatures, and the forecast is throwing around words like “polar vortex” and “record breaking wind chills” for the upcoming week. So, what could be more soul satisfying on a cold winter Saturday morning. PANCAKES! Not just you’re run of the mill, everyday pancakes, but oatmeal pancakes dotted with fresh blueberries, dripping in butter and syrup…..ahhh. Several years ago I was in Aspen, Colorado to attend a Rufus Wainwright concert and had breakfast at a local haunt called “Poppycock’s Café”. They’ve been around nearly 40 years and serve their famous oatmeal buttermilk pancakes.…

  • Life

    New Year, New Intentions

    I haven’t written a new post in several months. I could fill pages with excuses as to why. I could go on about how busy I am with other things, how the holidays take up so much of my time, how my job keeps me too busy , but the truth is, I don’t think I’ve had anything particularly interesting to talk about. For a time, I considered just giving it up. If I didn’t have anything I felt worthy of sharing, then why bother? Why make myself crazy trying to come up with new content, and quietly beating myself up because I don’t? I also found myself getting increasingly…

  • Life

    But, I think I love Fall, most of all….

    Every year I write and ramble about how much I love the Fall.  It’s not technically Fall yet, but I thought I’d get a jump start on my musing early so we can move on to other things. In addition to the obvious reasons that I (and everyone else should) love Fall  (pumpkin, sweaters, leaves, cozy, blah, blah, blah) I always look at it as a time to sort of start over.  I suppose that comes from going back to school when I was a kid.  It was always a chance for a fresh start.  New clothes, new school supplies, a chance to study harder, or not at all.  To…

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  • Sweet Things

    Carrot Cake Kisses?

    I try to steer clear of the candy aisle at the grocery store.  I do this because I know myself all too well.  Here is what I think is going to  happen…..In my head I quickly come up with some super decadent dessert or baked good idea in my head and reason with myself how delicious it will be and I can write a blog post about it and everyone will make it and love it and love me forever and ever.   Here is what actually happens….  Somewhere around 7pm, after dinner is finished and cleaned up I start suspecting that I’m going to “need” just a tiny little…